
  • That the Trustees are desirous to run trust for charitable and social purpose for promoting and encouraging living standard of human being.
  • To help poor and indigent persons in marriages of their sons and daughters by way of cash donation or otherwise and to distribute clothes, food and other necessaries daily life amongst the poor, orphan and indigent person.
  • To establish school or institute full time or part time to provide education.
  • To provide food, clothes, shelter, medicines and other required facilities to the people who have faced Natural Calamity and/or disaster.
  • To give, provide and/or render monetary help and/or assistance for the relief of persons and animals affected by natural and other calamities such as flood, fire, famine, cyclone, earthquake, storm, accident, pestilence, drought, epidemic, unbearable cost of living and the like. To give donation, subscription or contribution to institutions, establishments, centers or persons doing relief work on such occasions. To open medical health center, medical store, lab, yoga.
  • To open, found, establish, promote, set up, run, maintain and manage Pio. Dharamshala, Night/Day Shelters, Temple (Mandir), Old Age Homes.
  • To start, establish, run, manage and control various Orphanage, Anath Ashram, Old Aged Home, Children Home all over in India as and when the Board of Trustees may decide from time to time.
  • To organize various kinds of Welfare, Promotional programs/ activities for any life.
  • Trust shall invest its money and funds  according  to  Sec.-11(5) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 or as per any other section applied for this purpose time to time.
  • To purchase/acquire the land and/or the building in the name of Trust for the upliftment and fulfillment of the Aims and Objects of the Trust.
  • To accept donations, grants, presents, gifts and other offerings in the shape of movable/immovable properties for the attainment of the aims and objects of the Trust.
  • To receive financial and non-financial assistance from Govt. Non Govt. Organization, International Agencies, Bank and any other legal entity or individual.
  • To approach to the competent court/courts to safeguard the rights of the general public and for the public interests from time to time as the Trust may deem fit and proper.
  • Aims and objectives of the  Trust  shall  be  purely  for  ‘CHARITABLE/ SOCIAL PURPOSE’.

Tenure of Trustee

All the member of Trust shall be life time member unless removed by Board of Trustees for any justifiable reasons at his discretion deemed fit for such action.

Declaration on funds

It is hereby declared that no part of Trust property or its income shall be applied for any purpose other than the objects of the Trust as understood under the Income Tax Act, for the time being in force, and the surplus funds if any of the Trust shall be invested as per the provided by the Income Tax Act.

Remuneration of Trustee

Trustees  will  not  be  entitled  to  receive the remuneration as Trustees.

Management of accounts

That regular accounts will be maintained relating to all receipt, payments, income, expenditure or any property or assets and liabilities relating to the Trust. Further, the accounts of the Trust will be audited by a Chartered Accountant on yearly basis.

A person shall cease to be a trustee either:

  • If he without leave of absence does not attend three consecutive meeting of the trustee’s or for one calendar year, whichever in longer, Or
  • If he is requested to resign by Founder/Settler. Or
  • If he is convicted (Imprisoned) by any Judicial Court of India. Or
  • If he has become insolvent legally. Or
  • If he is entangled/indulged in any criminal case. Or
  • If he is suffering from mental disorder and in case of death of a trustee. Or
  • If he acts in any manner prejudicial to the interest of the trust.


Maj. Narendra Chandel

Mr. Rajeev Khandelwal

Mr. Pramod Gupta

Mr. Tarun Sharma

Mr. Himanshu Gupta

Mr. Sanjay Srivastav

Ms. Geeta Sinha

Mr. Rakesh Kumar Setia

Adv. Manoj Sharma

Mr. Ajay Surjan

Gulshan Ikebana Dharmarth trust IDT

Mrs. Mala Srivastava

Mr. Mahender Aggarwal

Mr. Ajay Nath Jaitly

Mr. Ankit Pangasa

Mrs. Rita Gupta

Mr. Anupam Srivastav

Mrs. Kshama Srivastav

Mrs. Shikha Bhatt

Mr. Mukesh Kumar Gupta

Dr. Pushyanti

Mr. Aditya Pratap

Mr. Sanjay Taneja

Mr. Rahul Goel

Mrs. Deepa Sharma

Mr. Pradeep kumar jain

Mr. Ashu Agrawal